


Learn English Idioms

English idioms are the everyday common usage of English words and phrases. Textbook English is often cut and dry, it is not the actual way native speaker of English talk. Every language has two parts, that which is written and that which is spoken.

The written form, often referred to as textbook English, contains proper grammar, word usage, and punctuation. It adheres strictly to language rules and often sounds strange when read aloud. It is important to learn this type of English as it follows all the rules and is grammatically correct. Anytime a student will need to read from a textbook or write English on paper they will need to know this proper form of English.

The natural form of English, often referred to as spoken English, is full of color, humor, idioms, slang, jargon, and an often relaxed form of grammar and word usage. Run on sentences, incomplete sentences,little use of grammar and inflection often makes spoken English entertaining and definitely easier on the ears. ESL students will also need to learn this form of English so that they can speak to native speakers of English with confidence and ease.

Spoken English is naturally spoken in informal settings. The idioms, jargon, and other differentiations give it flow, movement, and a conversational tone. When native speakers use natural spoken English they can feel freely creative to use improper forms of word usage and grammar. Those who wish to sound more like native speakers need to make an important habit of learning the local spoken language of the English culture they wish to move into or interact with.

Before you attempt to learn English idioms through regular lesson plans and it is important to consider one important thing, it does not sound right on paper. For instance:

"If ya' really wanna" learn spoken English you've "got no other go" than idioms. when it comes to natural spoken English resources. This website really makes learning English "a piece of cake" when compared to other "not so snazzy" websites. When your there you'll "get a hand up" and really learn English at "a fast clip."

The phrases above which contain the quotation marks were idioms as they would be heard by a native speaker. When written on paper and read they really wouldn't make much sense. In fact, they would look more like a riddle or prose. But when spoken, they take on different meanings and create a sense of color and magic between those who converse. The use of idioms in natural spoken English makes it informal, easy, and interesting.

What are Idioms?

Idioms are word clusters and phrases that only have meaning to their particular language and the local culture that speaks it. One prime example is the phrase "piece of cake." On paper and quite literally it is something we would eat. But when spoken in the right context and in the right locality it takes on the meaning "easy." However, idioms are only understood by certain cultures who speak that language. If, for instance, one would go to a tropical island or to South America and visit and English culture, that idiom may not be readily understood and might even be offensive.

Idioms are simply expressions used when spoken that convey a different meaning that their original one depending on the context they are used in. they may be completely against the rules in formal English, but they are indispensable in spoken English. They are what create local language culture. Some idioms have been used so long by their particular culture that their original meanings have sometimes been lost and their contextual meanings are now engraved in the current user's dialogues.

Over decades and even centuries grow, change, mutate, and take on new meanings. They become deeply rooted into cultures and even become part of advertising and film dialogues.

If you really want to know English "Like the back of your hand" and you want to sound "like common folk," you simply need to learn the idioms of the local native speakers. You can "breathe easy" now that you have such lessons at your fingertips. The website mentioned above provides a comprehensive list of resources that will prove invaluable to you and powerful to your ability to absorb the spoken form of English.

Maysaa has been an English teacher for over 20 years, beginning in her native country, and now in Abu Dhabi. She has worked with all levels of learning, both beginning and advanced, and with children as well as adults. Her site has lots of resources for English learners of all ages and level of learning. Lots of games and activities, with tips on how to become more proficient in English.

Visit: http://www.learnenglish-a-z.com [http://www.learnenglish-a-z.com/online-english-degree.html]Contact: maysaa@learnenglish-a-z.com

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