


Language Guide !

While travelling in Africa it is always an advantage if you can attempt to speak the local languages, especially with there being nine official languages in South Africa alone. This brief language Guide offers you translation in seven languages and will at least assist you with the very basic questions that you may need to ask along the way.

Asking a question in a persons home language, whether it be Sotho or English always brings a smile to someones face and friendly South Africans are everywhere!

I have listed the questions and statements for ease of use below:


Where is the Airport? - English

Waar is die lughawe? - Afrikaans

Boemefane bo kae? - N.Sotho

Difofaneng ke kae? - Sesotho

Boemadifofane bo kae? - Tswane

Siphi isikhululo senqwelo moya? - Xhosa

Ikuphi inkundla yezindiza? - Zulu

Where is the station? - English

Waar is die stasie? - Afrikaans

Seteisena se kai? - N.Sotho

Seteishena se hokae? - Sesotho

Seteisena se kae? - Tswana

Siphi isikhululo? - Xhosa

Sikuphi isiteshi? - Zulu

Where is the nearest Hotel/Motel?

- English

Waar is die naaste hotel/motel?

- Afrikaans

Hotele/Motele ya kgauswi e kae?

- N.Sotho

Hotele e/Motele o haufiufi e/ho kae?

- Sesotho

Hotele/Motele e e gaufi e kau?

- Tswana

Iphi ihotele/indwo yabahambi ekufutshane? - Xhosa

Likuphi ihhotela eliseduza? - Zulu

Is the water drinkable? - English

Is die water drinkbaar? - Afrikaans

A meets a a a ngewa? - N.Sotho

Na metsi a a nweha? - Sesotho

A metsi a ka nowa? - Tswana

Ayaselwa na amanzi? - Xhosa

Singawaphuza amanzi na? - Zulu

I have a booking! - English

Ek het n' bespreking - Afrikaans

Ke beeleditse marabalo - N.Sotho

Ke beheleditse - Sesotho

Ke dirile peelelo - Tswana

Ndigicinelwe indawo - Xhosa

Ngibhukile - Zulu

Where is the nearest Doctor/hospital/

police station/ telephone? - English

Waar is die Naaste Dokter/hospital/

polisiestasie/telefoon? - Afrikaans

Ngaka ya kgauswi e kae? Sepetlele sa kgauswi se kae?/ Seteisene sa maphodisa sa kgauswi se kae? Mogala wa kgauswi o kae? - N.Sotho

Ngaka/sepetlele/mapoleseng/telephone e haufiufi e kae? - Sesotho

Ngaka/sepetlele/mapodisa/mogala e e/ se se / a a / o o gaufi e / se / a / o/ kae? - Tswana

Undawoni ugqirha/isibhedlele/isikhululo samapolisa/ifoni ekufutshane? - Xhosa -Ukuphi udoktela
Yes - English

Ja - Afrikaans

Ee - N.Sotho

E! - Sesotho

Ee - Tswana

Ewe - Xhosa

Yebo - Zulu
Please - English

Asseblief - Afrikaans

Hle.../...hle - N.Sotho

(Ka kopo) Hle - Sesotho

Tsweetswee - Tswana

Nceda - Xhosa

Uxolo - Zulu
No - English

Nee - Afrikaans

Aowa - N.Sotho

The - Sesotho

Nnyaa - Tswana

Hayi - Xhosa

Cha - Zulu
Thank you - English

Dankie - Afrikaans

Ke a leboga - N.Sotho

Ke a leboha - Sesotho

Ke a leboga - Tswana

Enkosi - Xhosa

Ngiyabonga - Zulu
"Hamba kahle" (pack well - travel well) see you soon in Sunny South Africa.
Weddings in Africa
ISBN 978-0-620-41164-6

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justine_Engelbrecht

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